The World of Warcraft is an expansive universe. You’re playing the game, you’re fighting the bosses, you know the how — but do you know the why? Each week, [hide]Matthew Rossi [/hide]and [hide]Anne Stickney[/hide] make sure you [hide]Know Your Lore[/hide] by covering the history of the story behind World of Warcraft.
Warcraft has a huge story behind it that stretches back over three expansions and an original MMO, three RTS games, and expansions to those RTS games. It covers novels, comics, manga, short stories, and even books, quests, and items currently found in World of Warcraft. The sheer amount of information out there can be a dizzying, massive pile of stuff to keep track of for the average player. Though Cataclysm’s done pretty well with incorporating story and lore into gameplay, there are still tons of question out there left to be answered. Cataclysm doesn’t cover everything.
That said, this week I decided to mix it up a bit and answer some lore questions from previous posts. To mix it up even more, I also put a [hide]call out[/hide] on Twitter for everyone’s burning lore questions. I won’t be doing these too terribly often, but if you’ve got a question that isn’t answered in this post, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll come back here next time I decide to do a Q&A. Let’s get started, shall we?
@ericisgame from Twitter asked:
How many Old Gods are there currently and how many do you think will be eventually revealed?[hide]Continue reading Know Your Lore: Lore Q&A-palooza[/hide]Filed under: [hide]Lore[/hide], [hide]Know your Lore[/hide][hide]Know Your Lore: Lore Q&A-palooza[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Sun, 04 Sep 2011 16:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]
The World of Warcraft is an expansive universe. You’re playing the game, you’re fighting the bosses, you know the how — but do you know the why? Each week, [hide]Matthew Rossi [/hide]and [hide]Anne Stickney[/hide] make sure you [hide]Know Your Lore[/hide] by covering the history of the story behind World of Warcraft.
Warcraft has a huge story behind it that stretches back over three expansions and an original MMO, three RTS games, and expansions to those RTS games. It covers novels, comics, manga, short stories, and even books, quests, and items currently found in World of Warcraft. The sheer amount of information out there can be a dizzying, massive pile of stuff to keep track of for the average player. Though Cataclysm’s done pretty well with incorporating story and lore into gameplay, there are still tons of question out there left to be answered. Cataclysm doesn’t cover everything.
That said, this week I decided to mix it up a bit and answer some lore questions from previous posts. To mix it up even more, I also put a [hide]call out[/hide] on Twitter for everyone’s burning lore questions. I won’t be doing these too terribly often, but if you’ve got a question that isn’t answered in this post, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll come back here next time I decide to do a Q&A. Let’s get started, shall we?
@ericisgame from Twitter asked:
How many Old Gods are there currently and how many do you think will be eventually revealed?[hide]Continue reading Know Your Lore: Lore Q&A-palooza[/hide]Filed under: [hide]Lore[/hide], [hide]Know your Lore[/hide][hide]Know Your Lore: Lore Q&A-palooza[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Sun, 04 Sep 2011 16:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]
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