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Sunday Morning Funnies: Oh, so grim

[hide]Sunday Morning Funnies[/hide] is your weekly list of WoW-related web comics.

Well, ladies and gents, I return to you with well wishes for your Fourth of July or Canada Day celebrations. Special thanks to [hide]Kelly Aarons[/hide], who brought you all [hide]last week’s column![/hide] Also, a warm congrats to both [hide]Ez[/hide] and [hide]Jere Hunter[/hide] who both answered last week’s trivia questions (more or less) correctly. The «best» answers were Lauretta, The Daily Blink, and Hot Dogs.

Without further ado, here are this week’s trivia questions!

What got mistaken for deodorant?

What preceded the luxury holistic retreat?
[hide]Continue reading Sunday Morning Funnies: Oh, so grim[/hide]Filed under: [hide]Analysis / Opinion[/hide], [hide]Humor[/hide], [hide]Comics[/hide], [hide]Sunday Morning Funnies[/hide][hide]Sunday Morning Funnies: Oh, so grim[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Sun, 03 Jul 2011 14:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide] | Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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All the World’s a Stage: Plot points for Forsaken roleplayers

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. In World of Warcraft, that player is you! Each week, [hide]Anne Stickney[/hide] brings you [hide]All the World’s a Stage[/hide] with helpful hints, tips and tricks on the art of roleplay in WoW. Have questions about roleplaying, or roleplaying issues? [hide]Email me[/hide] — I’m always open to suggestions!

Sometimes (especially for new roleplayers), finding a reason for your character to be wandering around Azeroth can be a challenge. It’s not just a matter of what has happened in that character’s personal lifetime; it’s also a matter of how he relates to the current events of the day, how he reacts to those big developments in his racial history. With the launch of Cataclysm, there is suddenly a lot more story to deal with, and for new players, or even returning players rolling a new character, it’s a lot to take in.

While timelines are all well and good for getting your character caught up to what has gone before, there’s also a lot of current material that can be used to further a character’s progress. In between all that new Cataclysm material, there are all kinds of opportunities for storylines and plot points that can help spark roleplay. To that end, we’re going to start a new miniseries tackling each race in turn until we’ve got everyone caught up to speed. Today’s topic: the Forsaken — a relatively new race on Azeroth that has a ton of new story and lore going on in the wake of Cataclysm’s devastation.[hide]Continue reading All the World’s a Stage: Plot points for Forsaken roleplayers[/hide]Filed under: [hide]All the World’s a Stage (Roleplaying)[/hide][hide]All the World’s a Stage: Plot points for Forsaken roleplayers[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Sun, 03 Jul 2011 18:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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Know Your Lore: Azeroth’s savior and the Badlands

The World of Warcraft is an expansive universe. You’re playing the game, you’re fighting the bosses, you know the how — but do you know the why? Each week, [hide]Matthew Rossi [/hide]and [hide]Anne Stickney[/hide] make sure you [hide]Know Your Lore[/hide] by covering the history of the story behind World of Warcraft.

A large portion of the new Elemental Bonds quest line available for players in Hyjal involves ex-Warchief [hide]Thrall[/hide] struggling to come to terms with different facets of himself and his life to date: Uncontrolled, unchecked anger at the circumstances of his youth, worry and fear that no matter what he does in his life, it will never be the right thing. And in the midst of all of this, a strong, overbearing desire to just settle down with his woman, have some kids, and just be a family man — something for which he feels incredibly guilty. After all, when the weight of a dying world rests on your shoulders, the last thing you should be thinking about is starting a family.

He comes to terms with all of this, however, and emerges even stronger than before. It seems as though Thrall is prepared to be the savior of Azeroth, the one who will stand with the Aspects at whatever designated time lies before us in the not too distant future and make certain that the world is restored, whole and complete. The one who can properly fill in as Earthwarder. Except … being the world’s savior doesn’t leave much time for raising a family, does it? That deep-down desire to just be a normal orc and raise a normal family doesn’t seem to be an option at this point — after all, the world will need someone to continue to faithfully watch it, after Deathwing is gone. Unless, of course, Thrall isn’t the savior of Azeroth at all.

Perhaps that fate rests on one tiny, fragile egg.[hide]Continue reading Know Your Lore: Azeroth’s savior and the Badlands[/hide]Filed under: [hide]Lore[/hide], [hide]Know your Lore[/hide][hide]Know Your Lore: Azeroth’s savior and the Badlands[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Sun, 03 Jul 2011 16:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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«Vengeance of the Void» leak is a fake

Today, there is a rumor going around of a «Vengeance of the Void» leak, detailing some of the aspects of the next expansion.

It’s a fake.
Our highly vetted internal sources at Blizzard have confirmed it’s a fake. Blizzard’s memos don’t even look like that. If you’re interested in reading the fake leak, you can do so via the image below.

Filed under: [hide]News items[/hide][hide]«Vengeance of the Void» leak is a fake[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Sun, 03 Jul 2011 23:22:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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Breakfast Topic: Patch 4.2 is upon us

Finally, [hide]patch 4.2[/hide] is upon us. Azeroth has undergone many changes since Cataclysm launched, and finally, we are getting the first new «tier» patch for this expansion. Suffice to say, I am very excited. Patch 4.2 represents to me many turning points for World of Warcraft that are putting it back on the path to cohesiveness. Cataclysm‘s launch was a success, and we were wowed by the features and the set pieces, but patch 4.2 feels like the first time we are getting to see new content that encapsulates the drive and cohesiveness of the Cataclysm motif.

Patch 4.2 brings with it many new features. Players will be able to enter the Firelands, Ragnaros’ domain, for a whole slew of [hide]new daily quests[/hide] and player-specific progression. Seven new [hide]raid bosses[/hide] await intrepid raiders, valor point gear will be knocked down to justice level, and the previous tier of content is becoming more accessible to raiders new and old. Loads of new companion pets and mounts await players willing to aid the [hide]Avengers of Hyjal[/hide]’s cause. Lucky raiders will also take part in an epic quest to forge the newest legendary item in WoW, [hide]Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest[/hide].

I am especially interested and excited for the Molten Front and Regrowth daily hubs that are being introduced for max-level players in Hyjal, as the druids and sentinels break into Ragnaros’ home turf, the Firelands, and lay siege for their survival. These dailies and daily hubs represent a philosophy that I love in MMOs — your personal progression should matter just as much as the progression of the whole. You, individually, will be working with major lore characters and factions to put together the Hyjal offensive, and your decisions get to open up new quest areas and gear vendors in an order that you choose. Putting this type of control back in the players’ hands feels like a Burning Crusade move, and I’m a man who loved him some Burning Crusade.

What are you looking forward to when we get to log into patch 4.2? What’s your first move in the face of invasion from the Firelands?

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[hide]Breakfast Topic: Patch 4.2 is upon us[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Tue, 28 Jun 2011 08:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].

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Tuesday Morning Post: By patch day be purged edition

Last week, [hide]Ahune busted our instance servers[/hide]. This week, Ragnaros gets the chance to do the same as we fully expect [hide]patch 4.2[/hide] to go live as of this writing. Now mind you, I’m not saying servers will crash, but hey — might as well [hide]be prepared[/hide], right? Yes, I know that’s the wrong raid boss’s catch phrase, but I used my only «by fire be purged» joke for the title.

As you might expect, downtime is currently scheduled for [hide]3 a.m. to 11 a.m. Pacific[/hide] time, so even if everything goes smoothly, you’ll still have plenty of time to read up on patch 4.2 before the servers come up. I recommend starting with Mat’s excellent [hide]patch 4.2 roundup[/hide]. Then you can check after the break for a quick roundup of all the other good stuff from the past seven days. Don’t stop once that’s done with, though; we’ll have plenty more piping hot patch 4.2 news and info for you in the coming days and weeks.

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[hide]Tuesday Morning Post: By patch day be purged edition[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Tue, 28 Jun 2011 05:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].

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Плюсы и минусы ношения одежды с символикой WoW

Сайт WoW Insider [hide]провел опрос[/hide] среди своих читателей: носят ли они одежду с символикой MMORPG World of Warcraft от компании Blizzard Entertainment в повседневной жизни? Помогает ли это им? Результаты оказались довольно любопытными. Как выяснилось, некоторые WoW’еры относятся к идее ношения такой одежды весьма отрицательно.

«Никогда не буду носить! – сказал один из них. – Я ходил в рейды 25 часов в неделю в WotLK, вайпался в героиках 5 часов каждую ночь, 5 ночей в неделю, поэтому напялить такую майку будет означать для меня одеть что-то вроде рабочей униформы».

Очень часто ношение символики WoW приводит к забавным ситуациям. Другой игрок сообщил, что увидев его майку, обслуживающий его в супермаркете кассир спросил, за какую фракцию он играет. Как потом выяснилось, кассир был с того же сервера из печально известной гильдии ганкеров.

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Рецепты Огненных Просторов стали более редкими и дорогими

На минувшей неделе компания Blizzard Entertainment значительно снизила шанс выпадения крафтинговых рецептов в локации Огненные Просторы MMORPG World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (об этом [hide]сообщалось[/hide] ранее). Эти рецепты являлись очень редкими и предназначались для создания экипировки, равноценной получаемой при прохождении боссов Огненных Просторов в обычном режиме.

Небезынтересным фактом до нерфа являлось то, что многие получали их, фармя треш для репутации. Теперь, когда все больше гильдий начинает прохождение этого рейда, возможно, большее количество рецептов будет выпадать в рейдах, а не в пугах по зачистке треша.

В любом случае, нерф означает меньшее количество рецептов, а следовательно – взлет цен на них.

(c) [hide]GoHa.Ru[/hide], [hide][/hide]

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Рыцарь смерти обогатился в Огненных Просторах

На прошлой неделе компания Blizzard Entertainment [hide]внесла[/hide] некоторые срочные исправления в рейдовую локацию Огненные Просторы в MMORPG World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. В представленном ниже видео можно увидеть одну из причин этого. Хитроумный рыцарь смерти нашел способ, как обогатиться в доселе невиданных масштабах: собирая огромные паки «треша», он планомерно уничтожает их при помощи АоЕ-заклинаний, а затем собирает с них золото. С введенными затем фиксами больше это, к сожалению, невозможно.

(c) [hide]GoHa.Ru[/hide], [hide][/hide]

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The Light And How To Swing It: Retribution changes and new gear in 4.2

Every week, WoW Insider brings you [hide]The Light and How to Swing It[/hide] for [hide]holy[/hide], [hide]protection[/hide] and [hide]retribution[/hide] paladins. With the Light as his strength, Durin Mundahl takes on the foes of Azeroth with all the wrath of a retribution paladin. Feel free to send your retribution questions or comments to [hide][/hide].

Where do retribution paladins stand now that 4.2 is here? Let’s look at the current state of the ret pally. In future patches, this information may become outdated, so use your own Judgement when reading. Side effects may include increased raid AOE damage and an overall feeling of satisfaction. Working as intended.

Let’s get down to business, shall we?

Seal of Righteousness now can be activated by any melee ability, not just single target melee abilities. This adds Hammer of the Righteous (the physical component) and Divine Storm to the list of abilities that can activate this seal. In addition, Seal of Righteousness procs can now be critical effects.

Inquiry of Faith now increases Inquisition duration by 66/133/200%, up from 50/100/150%.

The Seals of Command talent now makes Seal of Righteousness hit an unlimited number of melee targets, instead of only 2 additional targets.

Selfless Healer can no longer be dispelled and cannot be stolen via Spellsteal; and, in addition to its current effects, it lowers the cooldown of Word of Glory by 5/10 seconds.

Glyph of Seal of Truth expertise bonus now also works when Seal of Righteousness is active.


[hide]Continue reading The Light And How To Swing It: Retribution changes and new gear in 4.2[/hide]Filed under: [hide]Paladin[/hide], [hide](Paladin) The Light and How to Swing It[/hide][hide]The Light And How To Swing It: Retribution changes and new gear in 4.2[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Sun, 03 Jul 2011 20:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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