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Breakfast Topic: What addons can you not live without?

This [hide]Breakfast Topic[/hide] has been brought to you by [hide]Seed[/hide], the AOL guest writer program that brings [hide]your words[/hide] to WoW Insider’s pages.

My husband is the king of addons. If someone, somewhere, devised a method of making his WoW experience just a smidge easier, he has probably downloaded it and tried it out. I, on the other hand, have this strange sense that addons are «cheating» in some way, and I don’t use them unless I can’t get through the game (or at least raid) without them! I’m not sure where I picked up that particular attitude, but one other significant difference between me and my husband is that he loves gadgets, and I’m not such a fan. Isn’t that kind of what an addon is? A gadget to make things in the game more convenient?

That being said, I can’t live without [hide]Deadly Boss Mods[/hide]. All the warning noises and flashing words and warnings to Run away! make me look like I know what I’m doing, even when I don’t. Of course, the raid leader requires us to have it, but I wouldn’t want to try raiding it without it. Otherwise, I’d probably just hang out standing in the fire. For the record, my husband’s favorite addon is [hide]Titan Panel[/hide]. He likes that pretty much every bit of information about his characters is one mouse click away, but I feel like it’s information overload.

What about you? What addon can you not live (or at least raid) without?
Filed under: [hide]Breakfast Topics[/hide], [hide]Guest Posts[/hide][hide]Breakfast Topic: What addons can you not live without[/hide]? originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Tue, 19 Jul 2011 08:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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Tuesday Morning Post: Guy Love edition

Happy Tuesday morning, everyone! I recently unlocked the Druids of the Talon dailies on my main, and while doing the daily quests, I’ve been getting an extra dose every day of the saccharine sweet friendship of [hide]Tholo[/hide] and [hide]Anren[/hide]. They’re the Hyjal dream team, nearly always together, nearly always talking about each other. They’ve got a bromance going that’s so huge you sort of wonder if maybe you should just remove the «b» already.

I have to admit, it annoyed me at first. Night elves and tauren being all cuddly like that sort of bothered me. The Horde’s evil, man. Tauren will betray you, Anren. They’re attacking your home in Ashenvale even now! But you know, now that I’ve gotten to know them a little better, maybe it’s not so bad. They’re just keeping up a long tradition in the annals of WoW. There’s been [hide]Asric and Jaadar[/hide], [hide]Thassarian and Koltira[/hide], and now [hide]Anren and Tholo[/hide]. Maybe we could all learn to love each other a little more, just like them.

So go ahead. Bask in the warm fuzziness of the bromance. And once you’re done, keep reading for the latest WoW news from the past 7 days. [hide]Downtime this week[/hide] is from 3 a.m. to 11 a.m. PDT, so you’ll have plenty of time to get caught up.[hide]Continue reading Tuesday Morning Post: Guy Love edition[/hide]Filed under: [hide]Realm Status[/hide], [hide]News items[/hide][hide]Tuesday Morning Post: Guy Love edition[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Tue, 19 Jul 2011 04:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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Очки доблести снова будут выдавать в рейдах Т11 (норм.)

Очки доблести снова можно будет получать в Твердыне Крыла Тьмы, Сумеречном бастионе и Троне Четырех Ветров (за исключением Аргалота) в MMORPG World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, [hide]сообщает[/hide] компания Blizzard Entertainment. Решение было принято под воздействием «отзывов игроков».

«Мы согласились с тем, что у игроков должны быть дополнительные возможности по получению очков доблести не только в Огненных Просторах, подземельях Зандалари и рейдах героической сложности Т11, — говорится в сообщении. – Мы не хотим, чтобы рейдящие гильдии чувствовали, что они обязаны проходить Огненные Просторы и старые рейды каждую неделю. Нам хотелось бы, чтобы игроки ощущали, что у них есть возможность выбора, а не только бесконечный гринд ЗА и ЗГ».

В обычной версии вышеупомянутых рейдов на 10 человек каждый босс будет вознаграждать игроков 35 очками доблести, в версии на 25 человек – 45 очками, для соответствия наградам, предлагаемым героическими версиями этих схваток. Срочное исправление установят в течение нескольких часов.

([hide]Читать далее..[/hide].)

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Обновлена галерея карточной игры WoW TCG: пьяный гном

Обновлена [hide]галерея[/hide] коллекционной карточной игры World of Warcraft ([hide]WoW TCG[/hide]), [hide]сообщает[/hide] официальный сайт компании Blizzard Entertainment. В ней появилось 10 новых изображений, взятых непосредственно с игральных карт. Среди них такие примечательные картины как: «Fury», «Infernal», «Braxis the Slepper», «Besh’iah», «Bad Mojo Mask», «Exhaustion» и другие.

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(c) [hide]GoHa.Ru[/hide], [hide][/hide]

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The Guild: Season 5 to debut July 26

[hide]Video: The Guild Season 5 Trailer[/hide]

Have you been missing [hide]The Guild[/hide]? I know I have. Luckily, fans don’t have too much longer to wait. Season 5 of the series created by [hide]Felicia Day[/hide] is coming to Xbox Live on the [hide]Zune video Marketplace[/hide] and to [hide]MSN Video[/hide] on Tuesday, July 26. Picking up where season 4 left off, the newest season of the show follows the Knights of Good to the gaming convention MEGAGAME-O-RAMACON. In addition to the regular cast, season 5 features recognizable guest stars from the science fiction community as well as over 200 extras.

The Guild will also appear for the fourth consecutive year at the San Diego Comic-Con with daily signings at booth 4201 and a panel at 4 p.m. on Saturday, July 23, in the Hilton Bayfront Indigo Ballroom. A preview of season 5 will be shown along with a Q&A, so if you’re headed to Comic-Con, be sure to check it out.

If you’re looking to catch up with the series, all four previous seasons are available for viewing on [hide]MSN Video[/hide], or you can watch them all on [hide]Hulu[/hide] as well.
Filed under: [hide]News items[/hide], [hide]Humor[/hide][hide]The Guild: Season 5 to debut July 26[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Mon, 18 Jul 2011 18:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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Cryptozoic’s Digital Manga releases for July

A couple of months ago, it [hide]was announced[/hide] that [hide]Cryptozoic Entertainment[/hide], publisher of the WoW Trading Card Game, would be publishing the Warcraft and Starcraft manga exclusively through its comics reader app. The initial release included Warcraft Legends Vol. 1 and 2, World of Warcraft: Death Knight, and The Sunwell Trilogy Vol. 1: Dragon Hunt. It was also announced that other manga titles would be released over time via the app. Apparently, the time for more manga is now, as two new Warcraft titles have just been released to the comics app.

Warcraft Legends Vol. III is a collection of short tales, including the continuing story of Trag Highmountain, first seen in the Sunwell trilogy. Also included is the story I Got What Yule Need, written by New York Times bestselling author Christie Golden, and The Thrill of the Hunt, a story involving Hemet Nesingwary, one of the better known NPCs in game. The Legends series is one of the better ones out there, and at $5.99 for 160 pages worth of manga, it’s a good deal.

Also released this month is the second book in the class series, World of Warcraft: Mage. This stand-alone story tells the tale of Aodhan, an apprentice mage whose dreams of making it big as a spellcaster are suddenly and violently interrupted. This volume delves into the story of Aodhan, but it also sheds a little light on the conflict between the Blue Dragonflight and the Kirin Tor highlighted back in Wrath of the Lich King. Like the other manga available on the app, Warcraft: Mage is also a steal at $5.99.

All titles are available for purchase through the [hide]Cryptozoic Comics App[/hide], and the app itself is free for download via iTunes. If you missed any of the manga releases, this is an excellent way to pick them up.
Filed under: [hide]Blizzard[/hide], [hide]Lore[/hide], [hide]Comics[/hide][hide]Cryptozoic’s Digital Manga releases for July[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Mon, 18 Jul 2011 17:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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The Daily Quest: Common threads

WoW Insider’s on a [hide]Daily Quest[/hide] to bring you interesting, informative, and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere.

Anyone remember the mana loom? In the beta for The Burning Crusade, this item was missing, nowhere to be found — which frustrated the heck out of tailors because they couldn’t make bolts of [hide]Imbued Netherweave[/hide] cloth without the silly thing. Much as blacksmiths and engineers needed an anvil, the mana loom was supposed to be one of those «you must be standing in this spot» tools needed for tailoring. As of Wrath of the Lich King’s launch, the requirement was removed, and now the looms sit unused, sparkling and gathering dust.

Today, we’ve got a few entirely unrelated posts from around the blogosphere, but I’m going to try to weave together a coherent thread with them anyway … mana loom not required.

[hide]Gray Matter[/hide] happens upon a curious question: Is the Firelands raid [hide]too easy[/hide]?

[hide]Syrco Owl[/hide] stumbled across a difficult-to-find spot in Tirisfal Glades with a [hide]bizarre event[/hide]. You can also hear more about said bizarre event on the latest [hide]Warcraft Less Traveled[/hide].

Speaking of difficult, [hide]Surviving WoW with Quori[/hide] talks about what to do when guild members are [hide]being difficult[/hide].

Is there a story out there we ought to link or a blog we should be following? Just leave us a comment, and you may see it here tomorrow! Be sure to check out our [hide]WoW Resources Guide[/hide] for more WoW-related sites.

Filed under: [hide]The Daily Quest[/hide][hide]The Daily Quest: Common threads[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Mon, 18 Jul 2011 16:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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Gold Capped: How to earn money from tailoring

Every week, WoW Insider brings you [hide]Gold Capped[/hide], in which [hide]Fox Van Allen[/hide] and Basil «[hide]Euripides[/hide]» Berntsen aim to show you how to make money on the auction house. Capitalism is the best, and communism is for dirty, Soviet-sympathizing hippies. If you disagree, [hide]email Fox[/hide] or tweet him [hide]@foxvanallen[/hide] so you can be added to the CIA’s «list.»

When I was leveling my first-ever shadow priest, I instinctively took the tailoring as one of my two main professions. I did it because I was leveling a cloth-wearing class and thought it’d be easier if I could make my gear. It never really occurred to me that I could actually make money through tailoring.

Of course, after exploring the auction house and learning more about my server’s economy, I realized that I could make money with tailoring — and in a number of different ways, to boot. It wasn’t easy money, to be sure; tailoring had a lot of weird quirks that made making a lot of money challenging. It doesn’t help that there are plenty of tailoring items being listed on the auction house at a price well below the material cost, either.[hide]Continue reading Gold Capped: How to earn money from tailoring[/hide]Filed under: [hide]Economy[/hide], [hide]Gold Capped[/hide][hide]Gold Capped: How to earn money from tailoring[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Mon, 18 Jul 2011 15:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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Подготовка к конкурсам BlizzCon 2011 скоро начнется

До выставки [hide]BlizzCon 2011[/hide] осталось еще три месяца, однако компания Blizzard Entertainment [hide]сообщает[/hide], что конкурсы этого мероприятия уже скоро начнутся. В ближайшее время будет открыта регистрация на участие в онлайновых и сценических конкурсах (костюмы, танцы, песни, фан-арт, видео) – для этого разработчики запустят новую страницу официального сайта события.

Напомним, что BlizzCon 2011 пройдет 21-22 октября этого года в американском городе Анахейме. Выставка является ключевым мероприятием для поклонников игр Warcraft, StarCraft и Diablo.

(c) [hide]GoHa.Ru[/hide], [hide][/hide]

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Особенности новой стартовой версии WoW

Компания Blizzard Entertainment [hide]опубликовала[/hide] подробную информацию о новой стартовой версии MMORPG World of Warcraft, которая появилась после выхода патча 4.2 «Ярость огня». Напомним, что она позволяет играть бесплатно без ограничения по времени, а также прокачивать персонажа до 20-го уровня. В списке нововведений: возможность создавать персонажей-дренеев и эльфов крови и доступ к их стартовым зонам, повышение предельного количества золота у персонажа до 10 единиц, в результате чего они смогут купить транспортные средства.

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Когда ваш персонаж достигнет 20-го уровня, он перестанет набирать опыт. Однако вы можете продолжать играть и исследовать Азерот столько, сколько захотите, или же создать другого персонажа, чтобы попробовать поиграть за другой класс или расу. Также вы в любой момент можете оплатить полную версию игры, чтобы продолжить свои приключения после 20-го уровня.

С выходом стартовой версии все существующие пробные учетные записи, включая учетные записи с истекшим сроком действия, были активированы снова. Это означает, что если раньше вы уже пробовали играть в World of Warcraft, персонажи ваших пробных учетных записей опять будут доступны.

Как вы, возможно, обратили внимание, наша услуга «[hide]Пригласи друга[/hide]» также претерпела ряд положительных изменений в связи с выходом стартовой версии World of Warcraft. Сейчас самое благоприятное время для знакомства с миром World of Warcraft. Если вы собирались начать играть в World of Warcraft или у вас есть друг, который хотел бы присоединиться к вам в ваших странствиях по Азероту, не откладывайте на завтра и начните играть уже сегодня.

Более подробная информация о данном нововведении и полный список ограничений приведены в разделе [hide]часто задаваемых вопросов[/hide] о стартовой версии.

(c) [hide]GoHa.Ru[/hide], [hide][/hide]

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