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Breakfast Topic: Do you have any specialty alts?

This [hide]Breakfast Topic[/hide] has been brought to you by [hide]Seed[/hide], the AOL guest writer program that brings [hide]your words[/hide] to WoW Insider’s pages.

People always have a goal in mind when they make a character. For many, it’s a very broad goal, such as leveling a DK to be their tanking character or trying out a mage. Many people, on the other hand, create characters for a much more specific purpose. A common example is the ubiquitous [hide]bank alt[/hide], a low-level character stowed in a major city whose entire life consists of nothing but looking good while carrying huge loads from the AH to the nearest mailbox. There have been several [hide]pacifist characters[/hide], at least one person who leveled to the cap completely naked, and one who leveled to cap without dying once.

I recently made a concept character. I have a paladin, death knight, and warrior all at level 85, all specced and geared to tank. I decided late in Wrath that I would roll a worgen druid in order to complete the set. As Cataclysm came closer, I decided that I would work to experience the full spectrum of bear tanking. So I resolved to level my druid without any heirlooms, using only gear that I gain through questing and running dungeons. I also resolved to run every 5-man dungeon at least once while at the appropriate level. He’s now frolicking through the snows of Northrend at level 72, has tanked every 5-man instance from Deadmines to UBRS, from Ramparts to Magister’s Terrace, and is working his way through the 5-mans of Wrath. It’s been a blast, especially since the buff to Swipe.

Have you ever made a character just to play the game with your own twist?
Filed under: [hide]Breakfast Topics[/hide], [hide]Guest Posts[/hide][hide]Breakfast Topic: Do you have any specialty alts[/hide]? originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Mon, 25 Jul 2011 08:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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Опубликовано видео «круглого стола» Blizzard на Comic-Con 2011

В сети была опубликована видеотрансляция «круглого стола» с представителями компании Blizzard Entertainment и ее лицензированными партнерами с прошедшей в американском городе Сан-Диего выставки Comic-Con 2011. Разработчики и их друзья поделились новостями о продукции, так или иначе связанной с World of Warcraft, Diablo и StarCraft. Так, запланирован выпуск ремней «Diablo III», толстовок с капюшоном «Тираэль», носков «как у Госпожи Боли» и т.п.

Лишившийся своих очков вице-президент Blizzard по креативному развитию Крис Метцен (Chirs Metzen) рассказал о том, чего игроки вправе ожидать от готовящегося BlizzCon 2011: так, он заметил, что в один прекрасный день Тралл может вернуться в Орду (за этим кроется нечто большее), а информация об этом будет раскрыта именно на выставке.

Кроме этого, было объявлено, что следующая крупная книга по вселенной Warcraft будет написана Кристи Голден (Christie Golden) и посвящена Джайне Праудмур. В то же время очередной роман от Ричарда Кнаака (Richard A. Knaak), «Wolfheart», также будет посвящен Альянсу.

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В Китае строят парк развлечений в стиле WoW и StarCraft

В Китае [hide]строят[/hide] первый в мире парк развлечений «World Joyland» по мотивам видеоигры – он выполнен в стиле MMORPG World of Warcraft и RTS StarCraft. Расположенный в городе Чанчжоу провинции Цзянсу, парк воплотит мечты гиков в реальность. Затраты на постройку составляют около 30 миллионов долларов, а его площадь – более 600 000 квадратных метров.

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Know Your Lore: Lore 101 — How to fold a Tinfoil Hat

The World of Warcraft is an expansive universe. You’re playing the game, you’re fighting the bosses, you know the how — but do you know the why? Each week, [hide]Matthew Rossi [/hide]and [hide]Anne Stickney[/hide] make sure you [hide]Know Your Lore[/hide] by covering the history of the story behind World of Warcraft.

Out of all of the lore articles I’ve written so far for WoW Insider, none seem to garner quite as much commentary as the tinfoil hat series. Whether I’m babbling on about [hide]Elune being a naaru[/hide], the Lich King being a [hide]walking plane of existence[/hide], or the possibility that Azeroth is just [hide]a giant trap for Sargeras[/hide], coming up with theories and tossing them at you guys is an exercise in creative thinking.

Rather than go on with another crazy theory, this week I decided to go a different direction entirely. There are a few tricks to trying to predict what’s going to happen with a book or an ongoing story like Warcraft. It’s not just about coming up with wild ideas; they have to actually be plausible ideas. And it’s not about what you think should happen; it’s about trying to define what may come to pass. Today, we’re going to take a look at the nuts and bolts of what defines a story, what makes up a tinfoil hat theory, and how to apply it not just to Warcraft but to anything you happen to be reading.[hide]Continue reading Know Your Lore: Lore 101 — How to fold a Tinfoil Hat[/hide]Filed under: [hide]Lore[/hide], [hide]Know your Lore[/hide][hide]Know Your Lore: Lore 101 — How to fold a Tinfoil Hat[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Sun, 24 Jul 2011 20:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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Around Azeroth: Hudson hawks

Hmm. I wonder if [hide]Cailedrin[/hide] of [hide]I Dont Care[/hide] on Stonemaul (US-A) was working on the [hide]Ludicrous Speed[/hide] achievement when he took this screenshot, or if he just really, really likes hawks? Either way, Cailedrin gathered an impressive coterie of birds of prey while doing the [hide]Call the Flock[/hide] daily in Mount Hyjal. I pity the janitor who had to clean up the ground below.

Gallery: [hide]Around Azeroth 3[/hide][hide][/hide][hide][/hide][hide][/hide][hide][/hide][hide][/hide]

Want to see your own screenshot here? Send it to [hide][/hide]. We strongly prefer full-sized pictures with no UI or names showing. Please include «Azeroth» in the subject line so your email doesn’t get marked as spam, and include your name, guild and server if you want to be credited.
Filed under: [hide]Around Azeroth[/hide][hide]Around Azeroth: Hudson hawks[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 10:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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Breakfast Topic: Forget the rabbit foot — who’s your lucky pet?

This [hide]Breakfast Topic[/hide] has been brought to you by [hide]Seed[/hide], the AOL guest writer program that brings [hide]your words[/hide] to WoW Insider’s pages.

He really didn’t seem all that special when I bought him from a [hide]young boy[/hide] wandering in Stormwind. Sure, he was cute; sure, he was somewhat rare. But my [hide]White Kitten[/hide] was just one pet among the hundred I needed for an achievement. I bought him and left him in the ghetto of my random pet macro.

Then came [hide]heroic Anub’Arak[/hide]. On a whim, I summoned a pet for luck. That run, it finally clicked; everyone drove their spikes to proper ice patches, and the healers kept most of us alive, even if the main tank died a few seconds before the end. And when I looked down, there he was, purring proudly at me.

Since then, my White Kitten hasn’t left my side. He’s been there for [hide]Argent Tournament Tribute[/hide] runs. He was with me when we killed [hide]Arthas[/hide]. He was there when we completed our achievements for the [hide]Icecrown drake[/hide]. He even was along when we went back and killed Yogg-Saron to get our raid leader his long-overdue [hide]mace[/hide]. And although our progression has stalled a little in Cataclysm, you can bet he’s dodging skeletons, swimming in lava, and cheering us on as we attempt to kill Nefarian.

Who’s your lucky pet?
Filed under: [hide]Breakfast Topics[/hide], [hide]Guest Posts[/hide][hide]Breakfast Topic: Forget the rabbit foot — who’s your lucky pet[/hide]? originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 08:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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Arcane Brilliance: Magery within the Firelands

Every week, WoW Insider brings you [hide]Arcane Brilliance[/hide] for [hide]arcane[/hide], [hide]fire[/hide] and [hide]frost[/hide] mages. This week, we dispel mage-related myths, expose wizardly untruth, and separate magical fact from fiction … just like the Mythbusters, only with more Fireballs.

Oh hai thar! As the master of infiltration, I think everyone saw this post coming. By this point in time, is there a single column that I haven’t managed to take over? I really don’t understand why people resist it, I should just be the writer for WoW Insider. The rest of the staff is pretty much superfluous at this point. Well, maybe we can keep them around as interns to fetch me coffee and deal with trolls.

I swear, though, this isn’t my warlock side that’s taken over. No, no, we’re a bit more sensible than that here, the editors would never let a warlock write the mage column. Instead, it’s the balance druid part of me that joins you today, spewing out your mystical tid-bits. Honest, they made me swear an oath and everything. What they didn’t count on is that my balance side is rather bitter towards mages and their [hide]Focus Magic[/hide] swapping; warlocks are awesome enough to give me [hide]Dark Intent[/hide]. Also, mages kind of blew up the Well of Eternity thing and that’s not cool.

Let’s begin today’s lesson, class!

Editors Note: Warning! A moonkin’s attempt at bitter comedy ahead![hide]Continue reading Arcane Brilliance: Magery within the Firelands[/hide][hide]Arcane Brilliance: Magery within the Firelands[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 21:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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Thrall’s return to the Horde and more lore from San Diego Comic-Con

Chris Metzen was at the [hide]San Diego Comic-Con[/hide] showing off new WoW, StarCraft, and Diablo merchandise with a [hide]panel of Blizzard writers and merchandise partners[/hide]. After the discussion about merchandise, the future of Blizzard licensed products, and the new comics, the floor was opened up to questions and answers about anything, lore included. Fans took this time to ask Metzen all about the new direction Blizzard is taking Thrall, including whether the Horde will remain the same after Cataclysm.

Metzen might have spilled the beans on what we can expect from [hide]BlizzCon[/hide] this year, including some big revelations about the Horde and Thrall’s place in it. Around the 51-minute mark of the panel, Metzen muses about how awesome it has been, growing the Warcraft story from its simple beginnings as an RTS and getting to flesh out the world. At one point, Metzen says, «One day, come on, your Warchief is coming back. Right? There’s more with Thrall,» and emphatically mentions BlizzCon, indicating they have much to announce on the subject.[hide]Continue reading Thrall’s return to the Horde and more lore from San Diego Comic-Con[/hide]Filed under: [hide]Blizzard[/hide], [hide]Lore[/hide], [hide]Cataclysm[/hide][hide]Thrall’s return to the Horde and more lore from San Diego Comic-Con[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 20:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide] | Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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The Care and Feeding of Warriors: DPS in the Firelands

Every week, WoW Insider brings you [hide]The Care and Feeding of Warriors[/hide], the column dedicated to [hide]arms[/hide], [hide]fury[/hide] and [hide]protection warriors[/hide]. Despite repeated blows to the head from dragons, demons, Old Gods and whatever that thing over there was, Matthew Rossi will be your host.

Now that we’ve covered gearing up in detail, it’s time to talk about what to do with that gear. Now that the [hide]Firelands[/hide] have been out for a while, we’ve all had a chance to get in there and kill some mobs. That includes me; I have also had a chance to do that. So what have I experienced in my excursions to the hell of upside-down fire elementals? (Okay, they’re not upside-down.)

For starters, all three DPS warrior specs are really close together right now. In my experience, arms and fury DPS is neck-and-neck, with arms performing better on some fights and fury better on others. Also, SMF and TG fury are both pretty viable, with TG seeming to move ahead once you’re using a pair of Firelands 2H weapons.

Once again, gearing up takes you past the nerfs in a few weeks. I basically raid with a fury spec and an arms spec, and some nights I respec from TG to SMF and/or the other way around. (Now that my axes have dropped, I usually stay TG.) My DPS was much poorer going into Firelands than it is now. The difference was pretty dramatic, and while I’m hardly blowing ahead to the top of the charts, DPS is solid again. Basically, what’s controlling my DPS (again) is encounter design (again).

Be prepared to use your utility abilities. [hide]Rallying Cry[/hide]. Remember it? You’d better, because it’s a raid-wide cooldown that you’re definitely going to be using on [hide]Majordomo Staghelm[/hide]. Speaking of Majordomo, if you have [hide]Seeds[/hide] on you and you blow up the raid, it’s because you forgot you have one of the [hide]best abilities in the game[/hide] to get out to range in time and then [hide]some[/hide] of the [hide]best[/hide] [hide]abilities[/hide] in the game to get back in.

Blizzard needs to very quickly create and implement a set of non-tier DPS plate shoulders. Look at me — I’m still wearing ZA shoulders. I am knee-deep in Firelands every week. I’ve killed Domo several times now. Why won’t you give me shoulders? There is absolutely no option for plate DPS save tier, although there are several pairs of tanking shoulders. This is bloody insane, and it needs to be addressed. Firelands or the valor point vendors need more loot, guys.

So let’s discuss the Firelands from a DPS warrior perspective.[hide]Continue reading The Care and Feeding of Warriors: DPS in the Firelands[/hide]Filed under: [hide]Warrior[/hide], [hide]Analysis / Opinion[/hide], [hide]Raiding[/hide], [hide](Warrior) The Care and Feeding of Warriors[/hide], [hide]Raid Guides[/hide][hide]The Care and Feeding of Warriors: DPS in the Firelands[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 16:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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Totem Talk: Fixing the Fire Elemental problem

Every week, WoW Insider brings you Totem Talk for [hide]elemental[/hide], [hide]enhancement[/hide], and [hide]restoration[/hide] shaman. [hide]Josh Myers[/hide] once tackled the hard questions about enhancement but has recently expanded his sphere of responsibility to all DPS specs for shaman. And no, two-handed enhancement is still never coming back.

Imagine you have a friend. This isn’t any normal friend, but a friend that you really, really, really want to get interested in World of Warcraft. To this end, you have the brilliant plan that if you let him raid on your character, he’ll be so taken by the experience that he’ll be level 85 within a week.

Naturally, this goes badly. [hide]Recount[/hide] shows your character below the tanks every attempt, as your friend spends half the fight attacking the wrong target and the other half of the fight attacking nothing at all. Of course, that’s only on the fights where he manages to stay alive, which is one in 10 attempts.

Now, imagine that in order to do your maximum DPS, you have to let that friend raid with you every single fight. If you choose not to allow that friend to raid, you’ll lose about 3,000 potential DPS. However, if you choose to let him raid, you run the risk of his dying, attacking the wrong target, or standing in the center of the room while he mentally alt-tabs.

Welcome to playing an elemental shaman.[hide]Continue reading Totem Talk: Fixing the Fire Elemental problem[/hide]Filed under: [hide]Shaman[/hide], [hide](Shaman) Totem Talk[/hide], [hide]Cataclysm[/hide][hide]Totem Talk: Fixing the Fire Elemental problem[/hide] originally appeared on [hide]WoW Insider[/hide] on Sat, 23 Jul 2011 14:00:00 EST. Please see our [hide]terms for use of feeds[/hide].[hide]Permalink[/hide] | [hide]Email this[/hide] | [hide]Comments[/hide]

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