The Queue: Books From Boxes

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Mike Sacco will be your host today.

Not a new song, but one of my favorites circa 2007. The pounding rain continued its bleak fall; we decided just to write after all, after all.

Thatacus asked:

Who posts on WoWInsider’s Twitter? Some times, some thing funny gets posted and I want to say it’s Fox, but I don’t want to inflate his ego anymore than I have to 😛

Adam, Alex, Dan, and I all post on the WoW Insider Twitter. I’m generally the one who does non-newsy stuff on there, but it could be any of us at any given time. Fox has, to my knowledge and deep gratitude, never used our official Twitter. Continue reading The Queue: Books From BoxesWelcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Mike Sacco will be your host today.

Not a new song, but one of my favorites circa 2007. The pounding rain continued its bleak fall; we decided just to write after all, after all.

Thatacus asked:

Who posts on WoWInsider’s Twitter? Some times, some thing funny gets posted and I want to say it’s Fox, but I don’t want to inflate his ego anymore than I have to 😛

Adam, Alex, Dan, and I all post on the WoW Insider Twitter. I’m generally the one who does non-newsy stuff on there, but it could be any of us at any given time. Fox has, to my knowledge and deep gratitude, never used our official Twitter. Continue reading The Queue: Books From Boxes

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